inspect shed garage private certifier checks specificationsAccredited Private Certifiers ? Who are they? What do they do when it comes to sheds, garages and carports etc? Why would I need one?

According to the Association of Accredited Certifiers an Accredited Certifier is a private accredited professional, who, depending on their accreditation, can act as a principal certifying authority that can issue Part 4 and 4A certificates under the Environmental Planning and Assessment (EP&A) Act 1979.

certifier inspect job check specificationThis means that when it comes to your Shed, Garage or Carport, they can can issue complying development certificates, compliance certificates, construction certificates and occupation certificates for your building. That is why you might need one.

What should a certifier be looking for when considering my shed?

They first should be checking that the development is either DA approved or that it is a Complying Development. A second and VERY IMPORTANT function that the certifier should complete is a check that the shed, garage or carport that you want to put up has been correctly specified for your end use and specific site conditions and that the engineering provided matches the site and use of the shed.

Your Shed supplier should be providing you with details about your shed and what Site Wind Speed and Importance Level it has been designed for. Remember Importance level 1 is only for Isolated Farm Sheds , not garages, workshops, accommodation etc.

private certifier checks slab detail before pouringYour certifier, when he is satisfied that your shed complies, will issue you with a complying development certificate which means you can now build it. They should conduct the inspection of the slab prior to pouring, the constructed buildings frame and the building when completed. An occupation certificate can be issued when the certifier is satisfied that all conditions of the Complying Development certificate have been met.

Can a Private Certifier issue you with a DA?

No… Development Applications are issued by your council.  Once you have your DA approved a private certifier can be used to complete the construction certificate and the occupation certificate. Private Certifiers as a part of their service will sometimes assist you in completing the DA forms and help guide you through the DA process.

Who Accredits the Certifiers?

The Building Professionals Board accredits all certifiers. The Board accredits suitably qualified professionals in accordance with the requirements in the Accreditation Scheme for Accredited Certifiers, to enable them to certify plans and inspect and certify construction work according to their areas of expertise and levels of accreditation.