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How much does a shed kit cost? This is one of those questions like “how long is a piece of string?” A shed kits price varies widely on design, wind-speed requirements, engineering and quality. 

We have put together a list of shed designs and with the help of some friendly associates of the ShedBlog we can provide you with a guide of what you might expect to pay for a shed kit of the type listed below, if you were to buy it from a ShedSafe accredited reseller of a quality, ShedSafe Accredited Brand.

The list below contains example sheds with their wind region and terrain categories, sizes and accessories and what you might expect to pay if delivery is available to you on a standard run from the manufacturer’s supply chain.

Click the appropriate link below to see details about, and a guide to, the cost of the shed while noting the date of the quote as older quotes will need adjusting upwards. The last two main steel price rises were Nov 2021 & Feb 2022.


Garages and Backyard Sheds

Farm Sheds

Workshop Sheds

Bigger Sheds for Farms or Small acres

Commercial Sheds

Lifestyle sheds