permicav insulation air-cell kingspan Kingspan AIR-CELL Permicav® is an all-in-one insulation and vapour-permeable membrane designed specifically for walls with cavities to reduce the risk of condensation.

Manufactured with a patented closed-cell structure sandwiched by highly reflective foil surfaces and pierced with tiny, evenly-spaced perforations, Kingspan AIR-CELL Permicav® allows water vapour permeance while helping to achieve a 6-star house energy rating.

permicav close up vapour permeable perforationsCondensation
As thermal performance requirements for the building fabric continue to rise, condensation is becoming an increasingly
important design consideration for healthy buildings. Kingspan AIR-CELL Permicav® reduces the risk of interstitial condensation
by allowing vapour to permeate through tiny perforations.



permicav product datapermicav roll of kingspan permicav insulation buy online

  • 3-in-1 insulation, vapourpermeable membrane and radiant barrier
  • Helps achieve a 6-star house energy rating
  • Reduces the risk of condensation
  • Wall cavities remain unfilled and accessible for services
  • kingspan insulation logoFibre-free, non-allergenic, non-irritant
  • Quick and easy to install
  • Strong, tough, durable
  • Water-resistant and unaffected by moisture
  • Rodent and insect resistant
  • Flammability Index ? 5
  • Compliant with AS/NZS 4859.1
  • CodeMark-certified for BCA compliance.

Download the Permicav Product BrochureClick here


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