With the introduction of the new Bushfire Attack Levels and the corresponding construction sections within the building standard AS3959 2009 we find that if you are building in a bushfire prone area then you will have to deal with building a home that will cope as a minimum, BAL 12.5 which is Ember Attack.
BAL 12.5 states that the roof will need to have the same requirements as BAL-19
- Non-combustible covering.
- Roof/wall junction sealed.
- Openings fitted with non-combustible ember guards.
- Roof to be fully sarked
If you already have a home in a bushfire prone area and wish to retrofit your home for ember attack then that is also a minimum to aim for.
We distribute a range of Steel Non-combustible Ember guards designed specially to suit the roof, roof/wall junction and eaves for homes, shed, garages, verandas, cabins and other buildings. These products help reduce those gaps down to less than 3 mm as described within the building standards and as required by BAL-12.5, BAL-19, BAL-29, BAL-40 and BAL-FZ (Flame zone) The non combustible steel flashings you can buy HERE are for installation in new homes and sheds or for retrofitting to existing or renovated homes and sheds.
Ridgeseal – for helping seal the ridge cap on a gable roof.
House seal – for sealing the eaves and sealing roof sheet profile gaps in behind the gutters.
Eaveseal – for sealing in under verandas and porches etc.
Rural seal – for sealing the wall sheet profiles on steel buildings.
Roof seal – for sealing in behind the gutters, wall and roof junction on a shed.
Corro Corners – for sealing corrugate or custom orb horizontal wall sheets.
Custom flashings – Contact us for custom designed Non Combustible Ember Guard seals.
The Building Amendment (Bushfire Construction) Regulations 2011 came into effect on 8 September and replace interim regulations which were put in place following the February 2009 bushfires.
Any questions about the ember flashings or guards please call 0456 729 904 or email admin@shedblog.com.au
Enquiries from Builders, Architects, draftsmen, designers, owner builders welcome!