Do you have a problem with vermin and snakes coming into your shed? It would be terrible if your kids found a rat or even a snake crawling around your shed. Protect your family and your valuable property with our Retroseal Domestic!
Retroseal Domestic is designed for fitting to existing buildings. With some simple onsite trimming to gain the best fit, you can provide a great deterrent against vermin and protection from the elements and corrosion protection for your sheeting from the chemicals in concrete.
Here’s a look at a before and after installation of our Retroseal Domestic: This shed previously had what appears to be some sort of foam sealant that has broken down and maybe even caused damage to the bottom of the wall sheets by trapping moisture.
Retroseal Domestic not only seals the sheeting profile so that vermin are prevented from entering the shed through your sheetings profile, but it also prevents wind and rain from coming up under the sheeting, which could also cause corrosion.

Before installing retroseal domestic. Rust and gaps around the shed are visible.

After installation. Rust and gaps are hidden. The shed is now fully sealed. No more vermin or snakes! How great does that look!
Our customer Mr B. said this about his experience with Retroseal Vermin proofing.

You can refer to this page on how to properly install the Retroseal Domestic in your shed if you want to stop the mice, rats, snakes and lizards from entering your shed.
We have a great range of products for vermin and bushfire embers that do the job of Closure Strips, Profile Closures, Profile Strips, Vermin Proofing, Corrugated Seals, Corrugated Profiles, Vermiseal, Super Seal, Foam Strips, Metal Seals with little fuss and can have them delivered quickly.