“LYSAGHT CUSTOM ORB®” is the name given to the “corrugated iron” cladding shape made by BlueScope Lysaght.
But how did it get the name Custom Orb?
The name came from the customs stamp on the corrugated iron when it was first imported from England about 130 years ago. The stamp was of the royal “orb” (a ball shape on top of the royal staff). The “blue” orb was marked on the soft steel and the “red” orb was marked on the hard or strong steel. Today we still call one product “Custom Orb Blue” however the “red” in the name for the standard roofing product has been dropped over the years and we just refer to it simply a Custom Orb.
Why is Custom Orb Blue softer than Custom Orb?
LYSAGHT CUSTOM ORB® is a thinner material, but of high strength steel suitable for roofs and walls. The LYSAGHT CUSTOM BLUE ORB® is a thicker material but of softer strength steel, suitable for pre-curving for use in verandahs and tanks, but also roofs and walls.