$50,000 cash to win bluescope colorbond materialsRunning along side the Help a Mate promotion is the opportunity to win back $5,000 on your shed. If you’re thinking of buying a shed then winning this can only be a good thing! This is what the promotion states on the Colorbond website.

“If you purchase a shed with components made from genuine COLORBOND® steel, ZINCALUME® steel and GALVASPAN® steel between September 2012 and March 2013, you will go into the draw to win back $5,000 in cash^. Proof of purchase is required – simply complete the entry forms available from one of our participating shed resellers.”

“Sheds made from COLORBOND® steel can be purchased via an extensive network of shed distributors, who can supply directly to you in kit form so you can build it yourself or alternatively organise installation on your behalf.

Below are four leading companies who can supply sheds and garages from COLORBOND® steel.”

From what we can tell so far there are four shed companies involved, If we find out that more have been added we’ll update the list below. The companies so far are

  • Fair Dinkum Sheds
  • Ranbuild
  • Fielders Endurance Structures
  • Metromax

bluescope colorbond participating companies